A future-focused, sustainable legacy for Taranaki BTW is proud to be a key design partner in the transformational Tūparikino Active Community Hub – a project that will redefine how our...
BTW is honoured to support Ngāti Te Whiti in the journey to bring Ngāmotu Marae to life. Contributing planning and environmental advice from the outset, our team is excited and...
BTW is thrilled to share news of the completion of South Taranaki's latest road infrastructure project, as featured in Stuff. Last week, Ngā Rauru chair Mike Neho and South Taranaki District...
Water is currently a hot topic across all three sectors (potable water, wastewater and stormwater), with a focus on how we can manage water use and infrastructure requirements responsibly now...
Commercial scale solar will be an increasingly common sight on our landscape. NZ companies are investing in large scale solar projects as part of our low/no emission energy future. At...
This article talks about the work being done in Taranaki with investment and skill being applied to progress towards a greener hydrogen future. Thanks to the work of New Plymouth-based...
BTW's survey team didn’t slow down through Level 4 Covid Restrictions. Some of our team was safely office based for a prolonged period of time to fast track our 3D...
The Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) is the main piece of legislation that sets out how we should manage our environment through the sustainable management of our resources, and encouraging...
As demand for our consultancy grows, so too does our Team. Meet James, one of our newest Taranaki recruits, choosing to join BTW as a Senior Engineering Geologist because he "sees the company...