BTW is honoured to support Ngāti Te Whiti in the journey to bring Ngāmotu Marae to life. Contributing planning and environmental advice from the outset, our team is excited and...
Water is currently a hot topic across all three sectors (potable water, wastewater and stormwater), with a focus on how we can manage water use and infrastructure requirements responsibly now...
This article talks about the work being done in Taranaki with investment and skill being applied to progress towards a greener hydrogen future. Thanks to the work of New Plymouth-based...
The Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) is the main piece of legislation that sets out how we should manage our environment through the sustainable management of our resources, and encouraging...
As featured in: Waikato Business News – Property and Development segment. January Issue, 2021 With demand for housing stock and desire for well considered urban development, investing in property and...
Join Lauren Wallace (Partner, Govett Quilliam) and Cameron Twigley (Director, BTW Company Limited) as they discuss what happened in 2020 in the RMA space, and what’s to come in 2021.Click...
A positive step forward today for the proposed Bluehaven Development at the former Ravensdown site as you enter New Plymouth from the north. Encouraging to see investment in our region....
BTW has provided Planning, Surveying, Engineering and Environmental Services for Ultimate Global Group’s ‘River Road Estate’ near Ngaruawahia, Waikato. We’ve consulted with local Iwi and worked closely with council to ensure...
On August 29th, an article was published on Stuff talking about complicated real estate in New Plymouth. We have included a link for you below, and although it focuses a...
Unmanned Aerial integrated thermaland high resolutions inspections services:Providing efficient accessibility to high-risk areas as a platform to allow informed decisions in real time. No need for post processing. BTWs intelligent...