As featured in:
Waikato Business News – Property and Development segment.
January Issue, 2021

With demand for housing stock and desire for well considered urban development, investing in property and land development opportunities is a ‘real’ and smart choice. But you need a smart approach.
Land development is a balancing act as you dance the line between risk and reward. A smart approach is knowing from the outset if a high water-table will present you with stormwater disposal challenges, or being aware of land contamination and the possible remediation strategies before work begins.
When you start with due diligence, thorough geotech investigations and environmental analysis, you can plan land development with better certainty, informed decision making and reduce the risk of costly disruptions down the line.
As a local multidisciplinary consultancy, BTW are on the ground, with specialists dedicated to Subdivision and Land Development services, helping you navigate the unique challenges different opportunities present. It’s our job to guide you through the whole process while providing the required technical services and knowledge along the way.
Before you invest in a project, it is important to understand the risks, opportunities, regulatory requirements, process, cost, and timeframes, so having BTW’s Surveying, Engineering, Planning and Environmental consultants on board early is key. It’s been said that money is made upfront working closely with your Planner. Our regulatory knowledge, continuous involvement in policy planning for both local and central Government, project experience, established relationships with councils, iwi and other stakeholder/interest groups are vital for resource consent applications of all sizes and complexity.
Our Environmental Services Team provide landowners and commercial operators who may have contaminated soil or waterways on their site, with required environmental compliance and management plans, environmental monitoring and reporting, Health Safety and Environmental auditing, ecological assessments and reporting, or asbestos surveys and management plans. Without it, development cannot take place. Consents don’t get issues. Benefits and potential go unrealised.
BTW consultants work across disciplines to ‘make it happen’ – empowering property owners and delivering smart solutions. The work we do helps rule things in, not out.
If you are interested in exploring the many land development opportunities that are presenting themselves in Waikato and surrounding districts, then talk with BTW today.
For the article as it appeared in Waikato Business News, click here
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