BTW undertook an initial carbon measurement using the Climate Action Toolbox, looking at where it can reduce emissions, save money and engage staff, clients and communities in the process.
With four offices spread across the North Island, transport was identified as a key hotspot and was included in BTW’s action plan. BTW continues to evaluate its vehicle fleet and where possible is transitioning to hybrid and EV options to reduce fuel consumption. It is also exploring the benefits of remote working to reduce overall waste and energy use, whilst also providing employees with flexible working options.
BTW understands that staff are integral to the success of any changes being made in the organisation and is making sure they are connected to the climate action journey. The leadership team saw Matariki as a great opportunity to get the BTW whānau on the climate action waka.
“Matariki provided a chance to share and reflect on the year gone, celebrate our achievements and also look at our intentions for the next year, encouraging staff to get involved in the process,” says Grant Aitken, Managing Director. “It was great to see their support and enthusiasm. This has given us greater confidence in achieving our climate action goals in the year ahead.”