Exciting and encouraging news today that Taranaki’s kiwi project has been successful. BTW follow this work closely, both as volunteer trap monitors for the Taranaki Mounga Project, but also as...
This is our temporary BTW Raglan office. Our Waikato team has staff who live in the Raglan area, and whilst WFH has been a must in the Covid environment, it...
This article talks about the work being done in Taranaki with investment and skill being applied to progress towards a greener hydrogen future. Thanks to the work of New Plymouth-based...
Life away from the office - utilising different tools - skis, snowboards, and bikes!Recently, staff and their families from our New Plymouth and Hamilton offices spent time together in Ohakune...
BTW's survey team didn’t slow down through Level 4 Covid Restrictions. Some of our team was safely office based for a prolonged period of time to fast track our 3D...
BTW Director Cam Twigley talks about Taranaki's energy future in this short video from Venture Taranaki, as our region and the energy sector transitions, embracing innovation and the best that...
IPCC AR6 Working Group 1 report is now publicly available at: https://www.ipcc.ch/report/sixth-assessment-report-working-group-i/ The Working Group I contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report is the most up-to-date physical understanding of the...
If you saw the Taranaki Daily News on Sunday you’ll have read that BTW’s action woman Danel has been outdoors and loving it once again. https://www.stuff.co.nz/taranaki-daily-news/news/300366958/a-little-bit-of-fear-keeps-you-alive-taranaki-storm-chasers-make-sport-out-of-rough-seas-and-flooded-rivers When rain is pelting...
Historical buildings are vanishing from our city skylines due to earthquake prone standards, housing shortages, modern designs or age and integrity of the buildings. BTW’s Scan-to-BIM service is a great...
Our civil engineer Danel Korb took the day off on Wednesday to fulfill the ‘Taranaki Dream’. Danel (who moved to Taranaki to work at BTW in August last year), started...