BTW Company were engaged by EB Developments to manage this project from the due diligence stage through co-design in collaboration with mana whenua (Taranaki Iwi, Ngāti Tairi hapu and Oākura Pā Trustees), developed design, 3D rendering and visualisations, Geotechnical Engineering, Civil Engineering design to District and Regional Consenting.
The development name Te Ara Timata (the beginning of a path or journey), talks to the connection this development has to the coastline, extending on from other green spaces that together with the awa, create a pathways to the sea. It also connects with the purposeful nature of this development and moving forward with responsible design.
The design objective for BTW and the client was to align with the fundamental concepts within the National Policy Statement for Fresh Water 2020 primarily providing for Te Mana o te Wai whilst considering opportunities for improving open space and urban design outcomes. Due to the intersecting Wairau awa through the site, it was key to focus on the enhancement of water bodies by prioritising freshwater resource while recognising that protecting the health of freshwater protects the health and well-being of the wider environment.
The site has been thoughtfully designed by BTW’s qualified and experienced Environmental Engineers and Ecologists to enhance the ecological values for freshwater fish in the wider catchment and re-contouring of the stream banks to improve river values by restoring natural river function.
BTW are now tasked with construction supervision, certification, and survey to deliver this exciting project right through to the issue of titles.