
A future-focused, sustainable legacy for Taranaki
BTW is proud to be a key design partner in the transformational Tūparikino Active Community Hub – a project that will redefine how our region connects, plays, and thrives. This once-in-a-generation development is about more than just sport; it’s about creating a sustainable, future-ready community space that reflects the values of Taranaki and its people.
From concept through to delivery, our team is ensuring that environmental responsibility sits at the heart of every decision. Our expertise in nature-based solutions, water-sensitive design, and sustainability-focused infrastructure is shaping a hub that integrates with the environment, supports biodiversity, and prioritises long-term resilience.
Leading Environmental Sustainability:
This project incorporates a range of Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD) features, including:
- Restoring the natural water cycle – rainwater harvesting and reuse, surface infiltration and groundwater recharge, and replenishing puna (springs).
- Green infrastructure and nature-based solutions – a surface water conveyance system with vegetated swales, rain gardens/bioretention, and rainwater harvesting.
- Material reuse – incorporating 1,000m³ of recycled crushed concrete from the demolition of the racing stand into the road pavement.
Embedding Te Ao Māori in Design:
A key part of this journey is working in partnership with mana whenua, ensuring cultural perspectives are embedded into the project and that the whenua is respected and protected. At BTW, we integrate Te Ao Māori into our design and environmental planning approach, ensuring projects are both fit-for-purpose and reflective of community aspirations.By embracing Water Sensitive Design and Te Ao Māori principles, including Te Aranga Design Principles and Tai Whenua, Tai Tangata, Tai Ao, this project demonstrates how improved social and environmental outcomes can be achieved.Ngāti Te Whiti and Ngāti Tūparikino (collectively referred to as ngā hapū) have produced a Cultural Values Statement to guide planning, the co-design process, and project decision-making. This document safeguards the cultural, spiritual, and historical connections to land, water, and taonga. Key values include kaitiakitanga (guardianship), environmental excellence, integrated management, collaboration, and transparency. Ongoing involvement from ngā hapū is essential to achieving mutually beneficial outcomes, honouring tangata whenua perspectives, and enhancing the site for future generations.Tūparikino Active Community Hub is an opportunity to lead Taranaki and Aotearoa on the hikoi of learning regarding the benefits of environmentally sensitive and culturally inclusive design implementation.
As a locally based team deeply invested in the future of Taranaki, we’re excited to see this project take shape. The Tūparikino Active Community Hub will be a legacy for generations, and we’re committed to delivering a space that is inclusive, responsible, and environmentally focused – a true community asset for the future.
Discover similar projects – environmentally sustainable planning and design from BTW
Ngāmotu, New Plymouth – Taranaki
Image credit: BOON
Categories : |
New Zealand
Skills : |
civil engineering, environment, planning

We’ve recently wrapped up a geotechnical investigation for RoadScience, supporting their new tank foundation project at Port Taranaki.
The project involved drilling boreholes and carrying out CPT and Seismic CPT testing to ensure a strong and stable foundation.
Ngāmotu, New Plymouth
Categories : |
New Zealand
Skills : |
geotechnical, seismic testing

Te Upoko o Te Whenua Marae is the only remaining marae within Ngāti Maru district and iwi boundary and is located on the banks of the Waitara Awa in Tarata under the shelter of a large hill.
Ka ora te wai, Ka ora te whenua. Ka ora te whenua, Ka ora te tangata
When the water is healthy, the land is healthy, and the people are healthy.
This approach has underpinned the development which throughout has had a focus to safeguard and uplift the mauri of the water and protect and enhance the whenua.
Its been an exciting time to be in Maru country – the Crown settlement and apology, marae upgrades and being a part of the wave of momentum with people returning to their lands and reconnecting with their iwi.
BTW are proud to have supported Ngāti Maru with their award-winning redevelopment and grateful to have been part of this chapter of the Ngāti Maru journey.
Project highlights included kai on the marae, planting days, dawn pōwhiri for the opening ceremony and growing relationships with the people and culture. Did we mention kai on the marae!
BTW provided planning, surveying, engineering, environmental and project management services to support Ngāti Maru with their redevelopment.
The physical works included earthworks and landform optimising, roading, access and carparking upgrades, development of safe water infrastructure and wetland and ecological restoration.
Image credit: Boon Team Architects.
Waitara, Taranaki
Categories : |
New Zealand
Skills : |
engineering, environment, planning, project management, surveying

Sometimes it’s necessary to install man-made structures in streams to facilitate access and enable new land use. However, through a collaborative, multi-disciplinary approach this can still be achieved with regard to the protection of freshwater taonga.
This is an example of BTW Ecologists and Engineers working together with Hapū and contractors to simulate a natural stream bed inside new barrel culverts.
Wairau Stream, Taranaki
Categories : |
New Zealand
Todd Corporation, owner of natural gas provider Todd Energy, moved into the space of green energy by opening the largest solar power plant in Aotearoa at the time (mid 2021). Located in Kapuni, South Taranaki, this site now sees close to 6,000 photovoltaic (PV) panels generating enough electricity to meet the annual needs of over 500 homes.
On this project, BTW planners, civil and geotechnical engineers and surveyors were involved early on to help project decision makers with the complexities of a renewable energy project.
Together with nearby Waipipi Wind farm (between Pātea and Waverley), it shows commitment across the motu to scale renewable energy deployment and reach for better future outcomes together.
Kapuni, South Taranaki
Categories : |
New Zealand
Skills : |
civil engineering, geotechnical, planning, surveying
BTW uses a multi-faceted approach combining remote sensing (multi-spectral, LiDAR, and high-resolution aerial imagery) and ‘boots on the ground’ environmental assessments to identify, delineate, and monitor wetlands to ensure that these valuable ecosystems are protected and restoration is facilitated. Protecting the vegetation, soils, and hydrology of wetlands is a vital part of creating a better future.
Photo shows a recent collaboration between BTW’s Survey and Ecology Teams at Parihaka in Taranaki.
Aligning with the vision statement of Te Mana o Te Wai, BTW have a team of multidisciplinary specialists focused on solving water issues. WAI EYE, Kanohi Hōmiromiro (an eye for detail), is a BTW programme and innovative approach to the assessment of infrastructure and natural water assets using environmental engineers and scientists, skilled surveyors and UAV pilots, and leading remote sensing and IoT technology.
Parihaka, Taranaki
Categories : |
New Zealand
Skills : |
ecology, surveying, te ao, water engineering, wetlands

Owae Marae recently marked the reopening of their rebuilt wharekai. Upgrades to this building will future proof the marae, providing fit-for-purpose facilities for future generations.
BTW are proud to have contributed many professional services to this project, including;
– Topographic Survey pre-design and then the survey setout of both the Wharenui & Wharekai
– Water sensitive design including rainwater harvesting and reuse, water quality treatment and integration with the NPDC Tangaroa Stormwater upgrades
– Geotechnical and structural engineering for the Wharekai and Wharenui Upgrades
Waitara, Taranaki
Photo credit: VANESSA LAURIE/Stuff
Categories : |
New Zealand
Skills : |
geotechnical, surveying, te ao, water engineering

This is a project from 2017 that continues to benefit the people of Nauru and the climate long term.
For the Nauru solar generation facility, BTW provided surveying, geotechnical, structural and water engineering services.
Nauru is a small island in Micronesia, with a population of just over 12,000.
Nauru, Oceania
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Skills : |
geotechnical, structural engineering, surveying, water engineering
![BTW Company Sayer Drainage – Safety Contribution Award Entry (002)[5]](

The River Road North, Ngāruawāhia subdivision, is an excellent example of a safe work site. This has been recognised with BTW and Sayer Drainage listed as a finalist in the Site Safe Awards.
Like any project, collaboration is essential, and BTW pride ourselves in balancing the technical, operational, safety, cultural and environment elements of such projects.
With the physical site challenges, and number of tasks occurring onsite, communication, flexibility and quick actions were needed for all facets of the job. Great people collaborating with easy lines of communication and daily presence with an onsite office were the key to the wellbeing and safety of all stakeholders.
The multiple hazards associated with this site and task necessitated a separate Site-Specific Safety Plan (SSSP) and site induction process. These hazards and the associated hazard management included:
- Contaminated soils – chemical, biological and archaeological
- Deep trenches
- Areas of high (perched) water table
- Working in close proximity to the Waikato River
- HiAb lift of wingwall to outfall at the river’s edge
- Public on the ground near the workspace
- Hot summer temperatures
- Risk of environmental contamination
- Personal stress on the crew to deal with multiple hazards
BTW acknowledge the success of this project stage and our collaboration with Sayer Drainage. We can proudly say that all workers onsite could safely leave at the end of their working day and return home to their families.
River Road North, Ngāruawāhia
Categories : |
New Zealand
Skills : |
civil engineering, planning, project management, subdivision, surveying

BTW Company were engaged by EB Developments to manage this project from the due diligence stage through co-design in collaboration with mana whenua (Taranaki Iwi, Ngāti Tairi hapu and Oākura Pā Trustees), developed design, 3D rendering and visualisations, Geotechnical Engineering, Civil Engineering design to District and Regional Consenting.
The development name Te Ara Timata (the beginning of a path or journey), talks to the connection this development has to the coastline, extending on from other green spaces that together with the awa, create a pathways to the sea. It also connects with the purposeful nature of this development and moving forward with responsible design.
The design objective for BTW and the client was to align with the fundamental concepts within the National Policy Statement for Fresh Water 2020 primarily providing for Te Mana o te Wai whilst considering opportunities for improving open space and urban design outcomes. Due to the intersecting Wairau awa through the site, it was key to focus on the enhancement of water bodies by prioritising freshwater resource while recognising that protecting the health of freshwater protects the health and well-being of the wider environment.
The site has been thoughtfully designed by BTW’s qualified and experienced Environmental Engineers and Ecologists to enhance the ecological values for freshwater fish in the wider catchment and re-contouring of the stream banks to improve river values by restoring natural river function.
BTW are now tasked with construction supervision, certification, and survey to deliver this exciting project right through to the issue of titles.
Oakura, Taranaki
Categories : |
New Zealand
Skills : |
3D Model, civil engineering, ecology, environment, environmental advisers, future, geotechnical, land development, planning, Resource Consent, surveying, Three Waters, Virtual Reality

Categories : |
New Zealand
Skills : |
civil engineering, Three Waters

Categories : |
New Zealand
Skills : |
geotechnical, structural engineering

Historical buildings are vanishing from our city skylines due to earthquake prone standards, housing shortages, modern designs or age and integrity of the buildings.
BTW’s Scan-to-BIM service is a great tool for building owners to digitally capture highly detailed data of their assets.
Asset owners can:
- Turn this data into virtual tours of existing buildings with Virtual Reality (VR).
- Produce 2D plans of the internal and external areas and dimensions accurately.
- Provide models to Architects, Structural Engineers and Designers for the design of retro-fit plans or extensions.
- Utilise the data for off-site pre-fabrication or project planning.
- Share the model with off-shore partners.
These images of the Cambridge Town Hall compare a highly accurate, surveyed 3D Point Cloud data vs the 3D Model generated by our in house geospatial field and office teams.
The level of detail modelled can vary from a simple outline through to the finer details of architraves, street furniture, wordings and materials.
If you would like to generate an accurate 3D model of your asset, get in contact with our BTW Geospatial team.
Cambridge, Waikato
Categories : |
New Zealand
Skills : |
3D Model, 3D Point Cloud, asset management, BIM, culture, data, surveying, Virtual Reality

Categories : |
New Zealand
Skills : |
land development, subdivision, surveying

This site is for the new train service between Hamilton and Auckland, to open soon.
Services provided by BTW:
- Establishing survey control marks for construction team
- Asbuilt surveys for KiwiRail and
- Legal survey certificate for the new build (Licenced Surveyor documentation).
Construction started March 2020
Hamilton, Aotearoa
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New Zealand
Skills : |

Stage 1a for the Fryer Road Subdivision, located in Hamuranā on the edge of Lake Rotorua, is in its final stages, with titles released soon.
BTW have been working closely with C H Builders and Rotorua Lakes Council to deliver subdivision and regional consent, engineering design drawings and surveying services for this multi-staged development.
Lee Huang (pictured here) recently joined our Waikato surveying team from Auckland, after spending four years there post graduating from Otago University.
We’ll keep you posted as this project progresses and the remaining stages are completed.
For more on subdividing and land development, click here
Rotorua, New Zealand
Categories : |
New Zealand
Skills : |
engineering, Resource Consent, subdivision, surveying

BTW was involved early on in the development of the Ōtorohanga Store, providing a full suite of consultancy services to the client (NZ Farmsource) and the lead contractor (Livingstone Builders Ltd).
BTW Planners developed and submitted the Resource Consent application for the project.
Surveying services included scheme plan creation, boundary definition, construction machine control and building setout.
BTW’s Engineering Team provided full structural design of the new store and retaining walls, and civil site works, including onsite stormwater disposal and pavement design. This was developed in collaboration with the client, architect and contractor to produce an efficient, practical and ‘buildable’ solution.
During the construction phase, BTW were engaged has Engineer to Contract and provided contract administration, construction monitoring and quality assurance testing services.
For more information on the full suite of consultancy services offered by BTW’s multidisciplinary team, see below and click on the services icons to see more.
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New Zealand
Skills : |
civil engineering, Contract Administration, engineering, Resource Consent, structural engineering, surveying

Pukekura Park Ecological Management work is ongoing and visitors to the park in recent times will have seen the desilting project in full swing. BTW played an important role in this project conducting a fish spotlight survey and a fish trap and transfer program for NPDC prior to the desilting operation commencing.
Over the three nights of monitoring our Senior Environmental Scientist counted:
- 78 Banded Kokopu in the tributaries upstream of the bowl lake, above the main lake and a drain running down the side of Brooklands Road. We found a range of sizes, including individuals that are <5cm long – indicating they are making it into the park from the Huatoki Stream in the whitebait runs. These were spot lighted in about 150 metre of stream, so the Banded Kokopu are abundant.
- 9 Eel/Tuna, with 7 of them well over a metre long, mainly in main lake and fountain lake.
- In excess of 150 Koura! They are probably a good food source of the adult Banded Kokopu.
- 2 introduced Perch in the main lake, and
- A couple of giant goldfish.
Pukekura Park is an important and valuable asset for the Taranaki region, and being able to provide environmental monitoring services in this special place has been a pleasure.
New Plymouth
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New Zealand
Skills : |
environment, environmental advisers, environmental monitoring

An upgrade to the stormwater treatment pond for the Ravensdown New Plymouth Store was undertaken by BTW to provide increased water quality treatment and increase the retention capacity providing further protection of our waterways.
Services provided:
- Environmental
- Soil sampling
- Assessment of National Environmental Standard for Assessing and Managing Contaminants in Soil to Protect Human Health (NESCS)
- Landscape design
- Engineering
- Detailed civil and geotechnical design for stormwater pond and discharge outlet
- Detailed structural design for concrete pad extension
- Preparation of Issued for Construction drawings
- Preparation of construction specifications, contract documents and schedule of quantities
- Construction Monitoring
- As-built drawings and construction completion report
New Plymouth
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New Zealand
Skills : |
civil engineering, engineering, environment, soil sampling, stormwater

BTW’s involvement with this unique and inspiring project, came about in part from our work with Project Mounga. It’s testament to BTW’s companywide passion to protect ‘our place’ and shows that with meaningful connection and smart solutions, great things can happen.
The Kaka Aviary was designed as a kitset, the parts premanufactured and all materials ferried into Abel Tasman National Park for construction onsite by DOC workers.
After its use in the Abel Tasman the Aviary will be dissembled and shipped to its next location.
To see the Aviary in use, and gain a little insight into this special conservation work, click here.
BTW are proud to have played a part in the largest release of NZ Kaka, with 24 birds safely housed in the Aviary and released in 2019.
Abel Tasman, New Zealand
Categories : |
New Zealand
Skills : |
engineering, environment

Smart solutions and sustainable design
BTW’s involvement with Green School New Zealand started with advising on site acquisition. It was important that GSNZ chose a site where the school could tuck into the landscape and a site that had good road access.
Important next steps included a drone survey, environmental impact assessments and preparing resource consent applications.
Once consent was granted, BTW provided the civil engineering design for roads, carparks, stormwater management systems, wetlands, water supply, wastewater systems. And undertook surveying of buildings and facilities to ensure accuracy.
Survey data helped us to understand the opportunities. We then presented sustainable design options to Green School. This included swales and wetlands to manage stormwater and provide opportunities for environmental enhancement and secondary wastewater treatment systems using tiger worms to ensure a high level of treatment for wastewater prior to discharge.
Working with an innovative design and tight timeframes BTW had to compile a lot of information and assessments and communicate these quickly. Working collaboratively to find smart solutions was key.
Working on the Green School is a once in a lifetime opportunity and their philosophy is very much aligned with BTW’s. It’s about thinking big picture, challenging the norm and collaborating with like-minded people to achieve something special.
Categories : |
New Zealand
Skills : |
BIM, civil engineering, land development, planning, structural engineering, surveying, sustainability

A look to the future
BTW are assisting Hiringa Energy with projects throughout the country which will provide Aotearoa with a source of zero emission green hydrogen for use in industry and heavy transport.
With our energy sector experience, innovative solutions and nimble approach BTW is the perfect service provide for Hiringa’s ground breaking projects. Hiringa are accessing BTW’s full suite of services to enable their mission of supplying New Zealand with zero emission hydrogen.
New Zealand
Categories : |
New Zealand
Skills : |
energy, engineering, environmental advisers, future, planning

Tainui Kawhia – protecting cultural and environmental assets
BTW are investigating options on behalf of Tainui Kawhia for creating alternative beach access to the Te Puia Hot Springs on Ocean Beach at Kahwia.
Current access impacts on culturally significant sites, kaimoana beds and endangered bird species. BTW’s environmental planning, ecology and engineering staff aim to resolve this important kaupapa for the Kawhia community.
For more information on BTW’s environmental services, click here
Kawhia, Waikato
Categories : |
New Zealand
Skills : |
culture, ecology, engineering, environmental advisers, planning

Transforming a prime inner city site with planning, environmental services and structural engineering.
Services provided:
- Topographical survey
- Boundary definition
- Survey set out
- Environmental services
- Structural engineering and seismic design for superstructure, design pre-cast concrete panels
- Foundation design (Assessment of the capacity of existing foundations)
- Construction observation
For more information about structural engineering at BTW, click here
Courtenay Street, New Plymouth
Categories : |
New Zealand
Skills : |
environmental advisers, seismic design, structural engineering

Providing intelligent and innovative modelling as a platform for design and construction.
BTW utilised the latest Trimble SX10 Scanning Total Station, with imaging, high speed 3D scanning and robotics to present a highly accurate capture of current state for the Huatoki tunnel, stream and surrounding area, including all above ground infrastructure and underwater structures.
By embracing these intelligent and innovative solutions, specialists in BTW’s surveying team were able to produce an accurate BIM from the captured data. This intelligent 3D model became a base for required design work completed by architecture, engineering and construction professionals.
New Plymouth
Categories : |
New Zealand
Skills : |
3D scanning, BIM, surveying

Community minded design
Successful civic facilities require innovative, cost-effective services and solutions. BTW’s integrated, multidisciplinary and collaborative approach provided for informed decision making, recognition of cost efficiencies and streamlined delivery for this vital community asset.
Our passion for the work we do, the teams we work with and the communities we support was recognised in 2019 by the NZ Property Council, Waikato Branch, ‘We are Waikato Property People Awards’; recognising excellence in leadership and innovation in the Waikato property industry whilst celebrating outstanding contributions to the industry and economy. BTW were part of The Holmes Consulting Best Team Award recipients. Judges said “The obvious camaraderie and commitment from this team to achieve the desired outcome is a credit to all those involved in the project. An entire community will benefit from having better outcomes for their healthcare.”
Services provided:
Otorohanga, Waikato
Categories : |
New Zealand
Skills : |
civil engineering, structural engineering, surveying

Land development to provide for future growth in Waikato region.
BTW’s understanding of the complexities of subdivision projects and our commitment to delivering smart solutions allows for structured and sustainable growth. BTW and this project’s developer have continually approached the development with forethought and a long-term commitment to the region.
For the River Road Estate in Waikato, our constructive consultation has included Iwi, particularly the Turangawaewae Trust Board and Waikato River Trust Board and consultation with neighbours and other key stakeholders.
Services provided:
- Project management services
- Contract management (NZS3910:2013) and site supervision.
- Waikato District Council resource consent application
- Waikato Regional Council stormwater discharge consent application
- National environment standard investigations and remediation
- Pre-development and post development geotechnical investigations
- 3 waters, pavement and earthworks engineering design
- Stormwater pond and river outlet engineering design
- Wastewater pump station and rising main engineering design
- Earthworks, erosion and sediment control management plans
- Set out and as-built surveys
- LT subdivision, boundary pegging and LINZ lodgement
Categories : |
New Zealand
Skills : |
land development, subdivision, surveying

Safety by design at the gateway to New Plymouth.
This complex development provides our community with a wide range of facilities whilst also safely cleaning up contaminated land at the entrance to New Plymouth.
The proposed commercial and retail complex on the corner of Devon Road, Smart Road and Katere Road, New Plymouth, will include rebuilding Aotere Pā from its remnant state, large format retail, visitor accommodation, supermarket, offices, food and beverage premises, cinema, other complementary specialty retail, and associated parking and landscaping on the ex-Ravensdown Fertiliser property.
The development is significant for New Plymouth from a public health perspective, in that it will remove deteriorating buildings clad with asbestos. Contaminated soils within the site will also be remediated to provide for the new development. Furthermore, this gateway to our city will be greatly improved and the development includes significant road upgrades to Devon Road (SH3), Smart Road and Katere Road, to provide for safe and efficient access to the 1,200 onsite car parking spaces that will be available within the development.
Services provided:
- Preparation of NPDC and TRC resource consent application, project management and stakeholder consultation by BTW Planning
- Civil Engineering design of development site by BTW Civil Engineering
- Structural Engineering feasibility structure assessment by BTW Structural Engineering
- Surveying, UAV and Mixed Reality visuals of development site by BTW Surveyors
- Asbestos Survey of buildings onsite –survey and report by BTW Environmental Advisors and collaboration partners.
New Plymouth, Taranaki
Categories : |
New Zealand
Skills : |
asbestos, civil engineering, environmental advisers, planning, structural engineering, surveying

BTW’s 3D scanning systems and surveying practice ensure a high level of precision – accurate results, fast solutions
Saving time, money and materials is made possible with a 3D scanning capture of the physical measurements of any object.
- BTW personnel added value with this innovative technology by reverse engineering a bearing ring.
- The 3D hand scanner measured the bearing ring in order to create a meshto an accuracy of 0.025mm. The mesh was analysed in specialist software and a CAD representation of the part was produced, which accurately reflects the as-built condition.
Read more detail about 3D scanning systems here
New Plymouth, Taranaki
Categories : |
New Zealand
Skills : |
3D scanning, engineering

- Topographical survey
- Boundary definition
- Survey set out
- Environmental services
- Structural engineering and seismic design for steel super structure, pre-cast concrete life core
- Foundation design
- Construction observation
Courtenay Street, New Plymouth
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New Zealand

- Stakeholder engagement and land access approvals
- Regulatory approvals and consenting
- Seismic preplot creation and surveying
- Bridge/culvert strength analysis
- Test/monitor ground water wells/bores
- Daily asbuilt and hazard GIS maps
- Full integration of BTW’s proprietary DataPoint software
- Restoration of all node holes/source points
Categories : |
New Zealand

- Preliminary Design and site selection for Design and Build for tender purposes
- Topographical surveys in jungle terrain
- Rig and service layout
- Full Design Service
- Geotechnical investigations and engineering
- Support to contractor’s Materials and Logistics Department
- Contractor Project Leads
Gulf Province, Papua New Guinea
Categories : |

- Subdivision Due Diligence Investigation
- Resource Consent
- Heritage NZ & Local Iwi Consultation
- Civil & Infrastructure Design
- Site Supervision & Contract Documentation
- Survey Setout & Asbuilt
- Topographic Survey & LT Subdivision
- Drone Aerial Photography
The Links, Bell Block, New Plymouth
Categories : |
New Zealand

- Resource Consents and Environmental impact assessments
- Topographic survey
- Construction survey set out
- Legal and easement survey
- Traffic assessment and monitoring
- Environmental compliance
Leach Street, New Plymouth
Categories : |
New Zealand

- Resource consent applications
- Contaminated land assessment
- Topographical survey
- Traffic assessment
- Construction survey set out
- Structural design
- Onsite Stormwater design
- Construction management & supervision
Breakwater Road, New Plymouth
Categories : |
New Zealand

- Resource consent
- Contaminated soil investigation
- Topographic survey
- Civil and infastructure design
- Contract documentation
- Site supervision
- Easement survey
New Plymouth, Taranaki
Categories : |
New Zealand

- Structural assessment
- Earthquake strengthening design and drawings
- Tender documentation and tender award
- Contract management and supervision
- For more information click here
New Plymouth, Taranaki
Categories : |
New Zealand

BTW Company commissioned the capture and processing of point cloud data from an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). A 3D model of the CBD was created, allowing the user to visualise and analyse the effects of building heights on the landscape.
New Plymouth, Taranaki
Categories : |
New Zealand

BTW COMPANY recently carried out a 3D laser survey on the port and starboard sides of the Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel, the “Umuroa”. This was for the purpose of creating a 3D as-built model of connection points and potential clash items for the purposed blast walls and new stairways
New Plymouth, Taranaki
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New Zealand

McKee Production Station to Maui Tie-in
- Initial route selection and topographical survey
- Pipeline alignment sheets (design)
- Pipeline set out survey
- Pipeline as built survey
- Pipeline as built alignment sheets
- Easements
Tikorangi, Taranaki
Categories : |
New Zealand
Our services
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