Land Investigations
We investigate possible soil contamination from current or past land uses.
If there is a known or potential history of soil contamination from current or past land use our Environmental Services team can complete a contaminated land investigation to identify the level of contamination and advise you what remedial action is required for the intended land use.
Within the BTW Company Environmental Services team we have suitably qualified and experienced practitioners (SQEPs) to meet legislation requirements to complete and certify contaminated land investigations.

Who uses our contaminated land investigation services?
Due to a piece of land potentially having multiple uses over the years, there is a broad catchment of properties that may have been subject to contamination. BTW Company get involved in contaminated land investigations ranging from small rural sites through to major urban and commercial developments.
The contaminated land investigation services we offer in Taranaki, Waikato, Whanganui and beyond are beneficial as part of any due diligence process for those considering a land purchase. The services help lower the client’s risk of unwittingly incurring the cost of a post-purchase contaminated land clean-up.
Current landowners can have a contaminated land investigation completed to gain a better understanding of their land and any work that may be required to safely use it for their intended purpose.
What is contaminated land?
Put simply, contaminated land has hazardous substances present in or on it, which are having or will likely have an adverse impact on the environment, human health, or both.
The contamination can occur when hazardous substances aren’t stored, used or disposed of in a responsible manner.
Contamination can seep into groundwater, be transported into waterways by dust or rain, and be carried far and wide by way of polluted air in the form of gases. Also, contaminants can stay bound within the soil for years and years.
What’s involved in a contaminated land investigation?
Preliminary Site Investigation (PSI)
To determine the need to perform a detailed on-site investigation, we carry out a preliminary investigation, or PSI. A PSI is a desktop investigation, which will determine if a current or past activity has the potential to cause (or have caused) soil contamination. These investigations review all available historical information about the site, including aerial photography.
Detailed Site Investigation (DSI)
If we identify the potential for land contamination, we’ll proceed with a detailed on-site investigation (DSI), taking intrusive soil samples from across the site. All soil testing is completed in accordance with national guidelines and we establish a methodology that covers what we need to test for, where on the site, how many samples and how deep in the soil they are extracted from.
Laboratory testing, analysis and recommendations
Samples are tested by our laboratory partner to the established methodology. We analysis the results and present our client with recommendations for remedial work if required. Depending on the site and level of contamination, this work may include capping soil, removal and disposal of soil, or soil repurposing or conditioning.
We’ll consider the best options for the environment and human health while remaining aware of our client’s budget. It’s here we can work with BTW Company’s other teams to find creative cost-sensitive solutions, ideally avoiding costly removal of large volumes of soil, offering the client immense value.
BTW Company’s contaminated land services include:
Our environmental services teams serving Taranaki, Waikato and beyond provide:
- Pre-purchase due diligence assessments
- HAIL assessment (Hazardous Activities and Industries List)
- Preliminary Site Investigation (PSI)
- Detailed Site Investigation (DSI)
- Remedial Action Plans (RAP)
- Site Validation Reporting (SVR)
- Site Management Plans (SMP)
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